Trade turnover posts double-digit growth in two months

04:33 PM @ Monday - 04 March, 2024

Trade between Viet Nam and the rest of the world is estimated at US$113.96 billion in the first two months of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 18.6 percent.

Statistics of the General Department of Customs showed that Viet Nam earned US$59.34 billion from exporting during January-February period, up 19.2 percent.

As many as 11 commodities recorded export turnover of the US$1 billion each, collectively accounting for 75.1 percent of the country's total export value.

Meanwhile, the Southeast Asian nation spent US$54.62 billion on imports, up 18 percent compared to the same period last year.

The U.S. remained the biggest importer of Viet Nam's goods, with US$17.4 billion, while China was Viet Nam's largest import market with US$20.9 billion.

During the reviewed period, Viet Nam gained a trade surplus of US$4.72 billion, including US$15.2 billion with the U.S., US$5.3 billion with the EU, and US$0.4 billion with Japan./.   – VGP