Introduction of the Communist Party of Vietnam National Chemical Group

03:38 PM @ Tuesday - 06 April, 2010


The Communist Party of Vietnam National Chemical Group was originated from the Communist Party of Vietnam National Chemical Corporation which was found on Oct 8th 2007 according to the Decision No 301/DUK of Standing Committee of the Communist Party of Central State owned enterprise sector.

On Dec 23rd 2009, Prime Minister signed the Decion No 2180/QD-TTg on the formation of the Mother company - Vietnam National Chemical Group. After that, on Dec 30th 2009, the Communist Party of Central State owned enterprise sector made the Decision No 612-QD/DUK renaming the Communist Party of Vietnam National Chemical Corporation to the Communist Party of Vietnam National Chemical Group.


- Add.: No 1A Trang Tien Str., Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

- Tel.: 024.39332717

- Fax: 024.39335752

- Email: [email protected]

- Website:

Organisation structure of the Communist Party of the Group

- Secretary of Party Committe: Mr. Phung Quang Hiep.

- Deputy Secretary of Party Committe: Mr. Nguyen Van Quy

- Executive Committee: 29 members.

- Standing Committee: 08 members.

- Inspection Commission: 07 members

The Communist Party of the Group has had about 4307 party members at 15 local party committees and 23 Sub Party Committees Functions, 06 Party Cells, 10 Party Cells Directly subordinate of Group and tasks of the Communist Party of the Group:

1- Functions:

Giving guidlines, examining, supervising activities of its sub party committees; leading political tasks, personnel and organisation activities, mass organisation and building party within the Group in order to organise, educate and encourage its officials, party committees and workers in fulfilling their tasks; building a strong and unblemished party as well as strong administration, mass organisation and officials and staffs; upholding the key role and position of state owned enterprises in socialist market economy.

2- Tasks:

Leading in carrying out policies, guidlines, instructions, resolutions of the Communist Party, policies, laws of the Government; implementing political tasks of the Group effectively; personnel and organisation activities; political and ideological education, the improvement of professional qualification of officials and staffs; party building activities, examination and supervision activities; social - political unions of the Group.