03:52 PM @ 15/06/2023
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has called on Norway to invest in developing the electric vehicle (EV) battery industry, in the context that the Southeast Asian nation attempts to build a national EV ecosystem.SEE MORE03:45 PM @ 15/06/2023
The U.S. dollar fell marginally against the Vietnamese dong on the black market Thursday morning.SEE MORE03:28 PM @ 15/06/2023
In 2022, Vietnam's GDP growth revved up to 8.02%, the highest in 15 years, symbolising a strong recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, while the Government forecasts that in 2023 the economy will continue to grow at an impressive 6.5%.SEE MORE05:08 PM @ 14/06/2023
Vietnamese export activities are expected to rebound in the second half of the year, provided that businesses swiftly interpret market signals and seize upon export opportunities.SEE MORE04:50 PM @ 14/06/2023
The International Energy Agency on June 14 raised its forecast of world oil demand growth in 2023 by 200,000 b/d to 2.4 million b/d, while forecasting oil demand for transportation to peak in 2026 and an overall peak in oil demand "in sight" by the end of the decade.SEE MORE