11:08 AM @ 19/05/2023
The situation regarding the United States debt limit and the potential for the US government to default on its financial obligations undermines the ability of the Group of Seven (G7) countries to continue shaping the world, a senior Biden administration official told reporters.SEE MORE04:21 PM @ 18/05/2023
A decade ago, China used low prices to dominate solar manufacturing, wiping out Western competitors just as worldwide demand for panels started to soar. The US and Europe are determined not to let the same thing happen with hydrogen.SEE MORE03:54 PM @ 18/05/2023
Denmark looks to be aiming even further towards renewable hydrogen exports to Germany in a report released 12 May produced by transmission system operators (TSOs) Energinet and Gasunie.SEE MORE03:39 PM @ 18/05/2023
The upturn in global petrochemicals will not come in earnest until 2024 as China’s recovery is proving slower than expected and high interest rates continue depressing demand for durable goods, the CEO at Brazil’s chemicals producer Unigel said on Wednesday.SEE MORE03:17 PM @ 18/05/2023
Viet Nam ranks 11th in the group of 50 global emerging logistics markets, according to the 2022 Emerging Market Logistics Index Report published by transport and logistics service provider Agility.SEE MORE