03:30 PM @ 28/04/2023
Asian metallurgical coal prices are expected to soften in the second quarter as supply disruptions in Australia are set to ease on warmer weather, while China's demand outlook is mixed amid uncertain steel requirements and the country resuming Australian coal imports after a near two-and-a-half-year pause.SEE MORE03:15 PM @ 28/04/2023
The U.S. dollar dropped against the Vietnamese dong on the black market Friday morning.SEE MORE02:50 PM @ 28/04/2023
Japanese trading house Toyota Tsusho Corp is concerned that there may be more moves by countries like Chile to restrict exports of raw minerals such as lithium, its chief financial officer said on Thursday.SEE MORE02:27 PM @ 28/04/2023
Local rubber exports to the Netherlands during the first quarter of the year reached 3,030 tonnes, worth US$4.38 million, representing a rise of 31.2% in volume and 11.3% in value on-year, according to figures given by the Import and Export Department.SEE MORE09:01 AM @ 28/04/2023
The Indian tyre industry has been investing around 10% of its revenues in capacity expansion over the past few years. A report by ICRA says it will continue to invest around 10%-12% of the revenues in the medium term. This capex spend will be on the back of healthy demand.SEE MORE