The World Bank forecasts Viet Nam’s GDP growth of around 6.5% over the next few years and the nation’s economic fundamentals appear robust. SEE MORE Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased 7.02 percent in 2019, marking the second straight year the economic growth rate topping 7 percent since 2011, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO). SEE MORE Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) this year has expanded by 7.02%, above the 6.6%-6.8% target set by the National Assembly early this year, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO). SEE MORE Vietnam’s economy has performed well in 2019, with GDP expanding by an estimated 6.8 percent, public debt reduced by almost 8 percentage point of GDP since 2016, and a trade balance surplus for the fourth year in a row. SEE MORE The revision of the size of Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) for 2011-2017 is in line with international practices and serves as a foundation for the country's development path in the next 10 years, an official has said. SEE MORE