NEW YORK (AP) — The price of oil rose above $95 a barrel Monday after negotiations in Geneva to curb Iran’s nuclear program were stalled. SEE MORE Vietnam’s dong has been the third most stable Asian currency this
year, depreciating by just 1.5 percent against the US dollar, HSBC’s
Vietnam chief said. SEE MORE Minister of Planning and Investment (MoPI) Bui Quang Vinh has
reassured the National Assembly session underway in Hanoi that 2013’s
targeted 5.4% GDP growth is well within reach, citing concrete evidence. SEE MORE Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) will fall short of its
potential this year but will improve in 2014, according to the
Australia-New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ). SEE MORE HA NOI (VNS)— The Ministry of Finance has told fuel wholesalers to
limit their use of the price stabilisation fund from VND300 to VND200
per litre. SEE MORE