Vietnam is on course to cut interest rates and although experts and business executives say such a move is overdue, they also say it will be of scant help in boosting sales and clearing inventories.
Vietnam's economic growth will ease to an estimated 5.1 per cent this year, below an official target and also slow from an annual expansion of 5.89 per cent in 2011, the government said on Monday.
Prices fell to a three-week low as Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said he will resign, while his predecessor, Silvio Berlusconi, announced he will run for the premiership to roll back Monti’s budget tightening. Crude also slid as heating oil dropped to a four-month low on warmer-than-average weather as New York reached a high of 61 degrees Fahrenheit (16 Celsius).
Reprocessing deformed and substandard gold into SJC gold of Saigon Jewelry Company has come to a standstill, arousing concern in credit institutions over low SJC-brand gold liquidity.
The Cambodian Government will ease difficulties, creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese businesses, including rubber producers, to operate efficiently in the country.