Vietnam has raised interest rates for the second time in less than three weeks, a move which analysts say shows a stronger commitment to fighting rampant inflation. SEE MORE In Eastern Europe, sales of PVC pipes are still rising, while only better quality pipes made of polyethylene or polypropylene record growth rates on the relatively saturated markets in Western Europe. Ceresana Research expects that revenues from plastic pipes in Europe will rise to €9.7 billion by 2018. SEE MORE The ongoing political turbulence in Egypt could affect import of fertiliser inputs for “some time”, says a note put up by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers. SEE MORE SINGAPORE (ICIS)--Asian polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle-grade chip prices have hit a 16-year high, supported by prevailing raw material purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and monoethylene glycol (MEG) prices, market sources said on Friday. SEE MORE HOUSTON (ICIS)--Rising ethylene spot prices and feedstock costs drove US February ethylene contracts up 3.75 cents/lb to 49.00 cents/lb ($1,080/tonne, €778/tonne), market sources said on Friday. SEE MORE