PresidentObama is expected to speak about his plan to fight climate change during aspeech at Georgetown University on June 25. A recent posting of the White HouseBlog states that during his speech, Obama will “lay out his vision for thesteps we need to take to prepare our country for the impacts of climate changeand lead the global effort to fight it.”
Ina short video posted to the White House website previewing the speech, Obamasaid he will describe a national plant to reduce carbon pollution. “This is aserious challenge, but it’s one uniquely suited to America’s strengths. We’llneed scientists to design new fuels and farmers to grow them. We’ll needengineers to devise new sources of energy, and businesses to make and sellthem,” he said. “We’ll need workers to build the foundation for a clean energyeconomy, and we’ll need all of our citizens to do our part to preserve God’screation for future generations: our forests and waterways, our croplands andsnow-capped peaks. There is no single step that can reverse the effects ofclimate change, but when it comes to the world we leave our children, we owe itto them to do what we can. So, I hope you’ll share this message with your friends,because this is a challenge that affects everyone, and we all have a stake insolving it together.”
TheWhite House website also outlines several steps the Obama administration hasalready taken to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change, includingreducing emissions through clean energy investments and standards and theformation of a climate change adaption tax force.Many in the biofuels industry arewondering what role biobased fuels and power will play in Obama’s vision forclimate change mitigation.
PaulWinters, director of communications at the Biotechnology Industry Organization,stressed that his organization hopes Obama’s plan will recognize thecontribution biotechnology can make to carbon reduction goals through theproduction of both biobased fuels and biochemicals. “We hope that the Obamaadministration recognized biotechnology as a tool for energy efficiency and theuse of renewable resources in manufacturing,” Winters said. "These areessential to achieve a cleaner, healthier environment. According to a recentestimate, biotechnology processes and biobased products could eliminate morethan 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.”
MichaelMcAdams, president of the Advanced Biofuels Association, said he is lookingforward to hearing the specific content of Obama’s speech and is hopeful hewill address transportation fuels and the role of advanced biofuels inproviding sustainable options. McAdams also said he would like the president tohelp expedite the approval of new fuel pathways under the renewable fuelstandard (RFS).
BobDinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, pointed to therenewable fuel standard as perhaps the best example of climate change energypolicy that is proven and successful. “President Obama has been a strongsupporter of this program, which has helped reduce this country’s dependence onenvironmentally hazardous petroleum while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by40 to 50 percent when directly compared to gasoline,” he said. “The RFS isdelivering demonstrable environmental benefits and fuel choice to drivers,supporting nearly 400,000 jobs domestically, and stimulating investment in newrenewable fuel innovations that promise even greater benefits.”
GrowthEnergy also pointed to the Obama administration’s support of ethanol."Growth Energy applauds President Obama's continued commitment to acleaner environment and future for America,” said Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis.“We look forward to continuing our efforts together with the administration toadvance the use of cleaner burning, sustainable and cost-effective renewablefuels. The administration understands both the importance of improving ourenvironment, and providing consumers with a choice of a cleaner burning, less expensivealternative at the pump, and homegrown American ethanol.”