Japan further promotes ties with Vietnam

10:51 AM @ Friday - 22 October, 2010
Japan attaches importance to its cooperation with Vietnam,especially in economics, politics and cultural exchange, affirmedAmbassador Tanizaki Yasuaki.

At a receptiongiven to Ambassador Yasuaki, who has just started his term of office inVietnam, in Hanoi on Oct. 22, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dungexpressed his delight at the fine development of the strategicpartnership as well as his hope that both sides would promote all-aroundcooperation for mutual benefit.

He said hehoped during his term of office in Vietnam the ambassador would actas a bridge to accelerate the two countries’ cooperation, particularlyin economics, trade, investment, education and training.

PM Dung took the occasion to propose both sides coordinate inpreparing for the Japanese Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Vietnamto bring their bilateral strategic partnership to a new level.

The Japanese diplomat pledged to exert his utmost to promote the twocountries’ ties, especially the coordination in successfully organisingthe Japanese Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Vietnam./.

(Source: en.vietnamplus.vn)