State, Gov’t leaders talk cooperation with Belarus

10:56 AM @ Thursday - 21 October, 2010
Vietnam will do its utmost to strengthen and develop its friendshipwith Belarus , a traditional friendly nation that has always supportedVietnam in the past struggle for national liberation andconstruction.

State President Nguyen Minh Trietmade this statement while receiving the visiting Chairman of theBelarusian House of Representatives, Vladimir Andreichenko, in Hanoion Oct. 20.

Vietnam and Belarus holdpotential for further cooperation, and the two countries should increasemeetings between ministries and localities to fully realise theadvantages of cooperation, President Triet said.

TheState leader also affirmed that Vietnam was willing to work as abridge to help Belarus expand cooperative ties with other members ofthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Andreichenko spoke highly of Vietnam ’s growing role in the regionand the international arena. Belarus wished to step up multifacetedcooperation with Vietnam , especially economic, trade and investmentties, he said.

Belarus was willing to supplysuch products as fertilisers and heavy-duty trucks to Vietnam , andwants to import Vietnamese foods and set up farm processing zones inBelarus , he said.

The same day, Andreichenko wasreceived by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, who hailed the former’sfirst visit to Vietnam and said that it would contribute topromoting the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperationbetween the two nations.

PM Dung saidVietnam-Belarus relations were growing fruitfully, particularly inpolitics, diplomacy, economics, trade, culture, education and training,and many Vietnamese people have been studying in Belarus .

However, the PM noted that the trade and investment ties of the twoeconomies had failed to fulfil the potential of a sturdy bilateralrelationship.

Andreichenko told his host thattime-honoured friendship was a foundation and a favourable condition forBelarus and Vietnam to expand cooperation in many fields.

The lawmaker said he hoped that in the future the two countries wouldfurther boost cooperation in the fields where Belarus had strengths,such as manufacturing agricultural machines and truck components./.
