Taiwan, Vietnam move to increase trade ties

09:41 AM @ Monday - 27 September, 2010
A trade exchange to promote trade for Taiwanese businesses in Vietnammarket and other ASEAN markets opened in Ho Chi Minh City on September27.

The event was held by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council(TAITRA) and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ho Chi MinhCity (VCCI-HCMC).

Attending the event were 63leading Taiwanese businses in cosmetics, household appliances, trade,electricity, energy and environment along with 100 Vietnamesebusinesses. They said it is a good opportunity for the two sides toshare experiences and seek out partners.

At theevent, Wayne Wu, deputy chairman of the TAITRA and Vo Tan Thanh,director of the VCCI-HCMC, spoke highly of bilateral trade ties betweenTaiwan and Vietnam over the past time and expressed their belief thatthe relationship will continue to develop in the near future.

Wayne Wu said that Vietnam is Taiwan’s important trade partner andlargest importer, followed by mainland China and Hong Kong. So far, theTaiwanese total investment in Vietnam has reached 21,700 million USD andin the first eight months of the year, two-way trade reached 5,633million USD.

VCCI-HCMC’s director Vo Tan Thanh saidthat at present, Taiwan (China) is the largest investor in Vietnam, bothin registered capital and the number of projects./.

(Source: en.vietnamplus.vn)