Vietnam boosts ties with Japan

10:24 AM @ Monday - 25 October, 2010
The Prime Minister has stressed Vietnam ’s wish to further promotecooperation with Japan , the country’s top partner, in the spirit ofstrategic partnership for mutual benefits.

At areception given to former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and theJapanese parliamentarian delegation in Hanoi on Oct. 25, PM Dungproposed both countries exert joint efforts to expand trade andinvestment activities to match with their potential.

He also proposed the Japanese parliament soon recognise Vietnam as anation with a market economy and facilitate Vietnam ’s agriculturalproducts entering Japan ’s market.

The PM said hehoped Japan would increase its official development assistance (ODA)capital for Vietnam ’s infrastructure projects.

Vietnam was ready to cooperate with Japan under the public-privatepartnership (PPP) model in implementing the Lach Huyen port constructionproject in the northern port city of Hai Phong, the North-South highwayproject, the Long Thanh airport project and others, said PM Dung.

He also hoped that the Japanese Government would help Vietnam build ahigh-quality university in the Mekong delta region.

The visit by Hatoyama and the Japanese parliamentarians delegation andthe upcoming visit by PM Naoto Kan for the East Asia Summit inVietnam would bring the two countries’ relationship to a newdevelopment level, he said.

Hatoyama sent his sympathy to the families of the victims in Vietnam ’s central flood-hit region.

He said Japan was willing to support Vietnam in human resourcetraining, finance, and atomic nuclear technology transfer as well as topromote defence cooperation with Vietnam to increase security andmaintain peace in northeast Asia .

Japan was ready to receive Vietnamese nurses to work in the country, Hatoyama said.

He also expressed his interest in the Lach Huyen port constructionproject in Hai Phong and the North-South highway project.

At a reception given by Truong Tan Sang, Politburo member and memberof the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat, onthe same day, Hatoyama said he was happy to witness Vietnam ’srenewal achievements over the past 25 years.

He highly valued the comprehensive development of the Japan-Vietnam relationship.

Japan attaches importance to developing the strategic partnershipfor peace and prosperity in Asia and deep and sustainable relationshipwith Vietnam , especially the implementation of large cooperationprojects, said Hatoyama.

The Politburo member hailedthe current working visit to Vietnam by the Japanese parliamentariandelegation and highlighted the effective support and assistance of theJapanese Government, National Assembly and people to Vietnam overthe past year./.
