Vietnam, China aim 25 bln USD in trade

10:28 AM @ Monday - 25 October, 2010
Vietnam and China should strive to reach bilateral trade of 25billion USD this year, along with solving a trade imbalance between thetwo countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong made theremark at a meeting with Chairman of the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC) when the former was in Nanning toattend the seventh China-ASEAN Expo.

Deputy PM Trong alsoattended the 11 th international fair in Chengdu and visited Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces from Oct.19-25.

Deputy PMTrong asked the two sides to maintain high-level visits and meetings andpromote cooperation in economics, trade, science and technology,tourism, education and culture for mutual benefit.

He also urgedthe two sides to solve issues left in the two countries’ relations inthe spirit of friendship and fraternal comradeship as well as relevantasked agencies to increase cooperation in rescue on sea.

Vietnam has attached great importance to developing the Vietnam-Chinastrategic and comprehensive cooperative partnership, the Deputy PM said.

CPPCC Chairman Jia welcomed Deputy PM Trong’s attendance to international fairs and visit to several Chinese localities.

Hedescribed the visit as Vietnam attaching importance to Vietnam-Chinarelations and support for China ’s hosting of international fairs.

Jiaspoke highly of Vietnam ’s achievements in its renewal process and onits increasing international position, especially this year whenVietnam holds the ASEAN Chair.

Addressing an internationalcooperation forum, part of the international fair in Chengdu , DeputyPM Trong stressed the need to discuss cooperation measures to overcomedifficulties from the global financial crisis, and facilitatecooperation in trade, investment and tourism between Vietnam andChina ’s western regions.

During meetings with leaders ofGuangxi , Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, the Deputy PM emphasisedthe need to promote economic cooperation, trade, culture, education andtourism between localities of the two countries./.
