Vietnam committed to green growth

10:13 AM @ Thursday - 17 June, 2010
On June 16, the head of the Vietnamese delegation to the Second EastAsia Climate Forum has stressed the need for a new model of economicdevelopment, citing a range of new measures to be taken to deal with theeffects of climate change.

The Deputy Ministerfor Natural Resources and the Environment Nguyen Thai Lai told the forumin Seoul , the Republic of Korea , that “the VietnameseGovernment has determined that the country cannot continue with itsout-dated model of growth although it has helped the national economy togrow rapidly and has reduced poverty considerably.”

“It’s time now to establish a new growth model, which is moreenvironmentally friendly,” he emphasised.

Hepointed out that as one of the countries in the world to suffer theworst from climate change, the Vietnamese Government has passed aNational Target Programme (NTP) to respond to the issue.

These include assessments of the impacts of climate change ondifferent sectors and localities at certain times of the year andmeasures to cope with immediate and medium-term challenges to ensurenational economic growth.

The programme also callsfor efforts to develop a low carbon economy and encourage joint effortswith others in the international community to combat climate change andfacilitate a green growth.

However, Lai pointedout that Vietnam would consider its priorities for a green growthmodel in line with its national development plans.

On the sidelines of the forum, the Vietnamese delegation met with theChair of the Global Green Growth Institute, HanSeung-soo, who praisedthe measures taken by the Vietnamese Government in environmentalprotection and its efforts to ensure sustainable development and controlclimate change.

Han, who is also a former PrimeMinister of the RoK, added that he hoped for more cooperation withVietnam in this field.

The Second East AsiaClimate Forum, opened by the RoK’s Prime Minister Lee Myun-bak,highlighted two topics, namely green growth and new ideas for economicand social development and bringing about green growth in Asia , with aspecial focus on energy issues./.


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