Vietnam’s GDP grows 6.52 percent in nine months

09:46 AM @ Monday - 27 September, 2010
Vietnam ’s economy grew 6.52 percent in the past nine months, theMinistry of Planning and Investment (MPI) reported on Sept. 27.

The growth was hugely supported by industrial production value, whichhit 574 trillion VND or a rise of 13.8 percent compared with the sameperiod last year and exports, which rose 20 percent to 51.5 billion USD.

According to the MPI, the export figure was mainly contributedby the foreign direct investment sector and the rising prices of rubber,pepper, cassava, cashew nut, tea, rice and seafood in the world market.

Inthe past nine months, retail and service sales raked in 1,146 trillionVND, a rise of 25 percent compared to the equivalent period in 2009.

Theministry reported that the State had collected 360 trillion VND for itsbudget, which represented 78.2 percent of the yearly estimate.

Despitegains, the national economy still faced a high trade deficit, the MPIsaid, citing an import value of 60.08 billion USD, which represented arise of 22.7 percent compared with the corresponding period last year.

TheMPI predicted that prices of consumer goods would go up in theremaining three months because of the rising prices of input materialsand commodities in the world market.

It asked relevant ministries and sectors to introduce detailed plans to retain the prices./.
