WEF on East Asia successfully concludes

11:43 AM @ Monday - 07 June, 2010
The 2010 World Economic Forum on East Asia successfully wrapped up inHo Chi Minh City on June 7 after two days of sitting, said WEFleaders.

Prof. Klaus Schwab, WEF ExecutiveChairman, affirmed this is one of the most successful forums that theWEF has ever held so far with a wide range of activities and impressiveresults.

He took the occasion to stress the greatpotentials for development of ASEAN nations.

TheASEAN is becoming an important factor for the development of the worldeconomy, and will soon play a central role, both politically andeconomically, he stressed.

According to Sushant Rao,the WEF’s Regional Director for Asia, the 2010 WEF on East Asia wasmore successful than expected, citing the largest ever number ofparticipants and the presence of many governments leaders and executivesof the world’s large groups.

He spoke highly ofVietnam ’s remarkable contributions to the 2010 WEF on East Asia asthe ASEAN Chair.

Meeting with the press after theWEF forum, Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Doan Xuan Hung said thebiggest result the 2010 WEF on East Asian brought to Vietnam was that itgave international enterprises and scholars a chance to see with theirown eyes a stable and dynamic Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City as well asopen and friendly Vietnamese people, thus raising the image of Vietnamin the international arena.

Foreign businesses alsosaw a dynamic and potential Vietnamese market with various businessopportunities, he said, adding that at the same time the forum helpedVietnamese enterprises become more confident and actively seek foreignpartners.

Themed “Asia’s Rising Role in GlobalDevelopment”, the 2010 WEF on East Asia focused on discussing Asia’srising role, regional integration process, Asia’s responses to globalrisks and challenges, regional financial issues, food security andclimate change.

The participants, including nearly500 government and business leaders, representatives from internationalorganisations and leading scholars, also shared views on greendevelopment programmes, green enterprises and green technologies incombination with energy saving and environmental protection./.

(Source: http://en.vietnamplus.vn)