On July 8th 2010, Vinachem's leaders and its Emulation and Award Board held a meeting to discuss and evaluate achievements of its collectives and individuals in production-trade, community activities, social works, emulation movements, cooperation and environment movements so that excellent collectives and inviduals would be approved by higher authority for receiving valuable presents. SEE MORE According to Document No 6276/BCT-KHCN dated June 28th 2010 of MOIT on the participation in the program "Increasing productivity and improving quality of industrial products", Vinachem's Document No 543/HCVN-KT dated July 5th 2010 requested its companies to put up their implementing contents and projects based on MOIT's guidance. SEE MORE Implementing MOIT's Decision 1153/QD-BCT dated March 8th 2010 on the organisation of a training course on inspecting, dealing with citizen's complaints, denounciation, preventing and fighting against corruption, MOIT's Document 6174/BCT-TTB dated June 24th 2010 and Vinachem's Document 530/HCVN-TCNS dated July 5th 2010 require Vinachem's companies to send their officials to the training course. SEE MORE The free trade agreements (FTA) that Vietnam and other ASEAN members have signed with their partners have benefited the country immensely, including an impressive rise in export earnings in the first half of the year.
SEE MORE On July 2nd 2010, the third Patriotic Emulation Meeting of Vinachem was held in Hanoi. Ms. Nguyen Thi Doan - member of Party Committee, Vice President cum Vice Chairwomen of Central Emulation and Rewarding Board, Mr. Dang Ngoc Tung - member of Party Committee, Chairman of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Mr. Nguyen Nam Hai - Deputy Minister of MOIT, represenatatives of the President's Office, and representatives of MOIT attended the Meeting. Besides, there were Mr. Do Duy Phi - members of Vinachem's Management Board cum President of Vinachem, Vice Presidents of Vinachem, Mr. Vu Tien Dzung - Chairman of Vinachem's Trade Union, Heads of its Departments, Directors of its members, its joint venture companies, and former presidents of the Group. SEE MORE