The UK price index posted gains in November, surpassing earlier predictions and stirring hopes of quicker economic growth and monetary policies normalizing in a shorter timeframe; yet, the British business community is not completely enthusiastic about the entire post-Brexit reality. SEE MORE Vietnamese taxpayers want to enjoy more lenient rules when they become ill, as the current regulations will give little or no relief for their financial burden. SEE MORE Vietnam should recognise factors that affect its economy’s productivity and competitiveness to maintain high and sustainable growth, domestic and foreign experts have said. SEE MORE Vietnam’s dollar market has started to cool down following a rumor-fueled rally earlier this week, with banks quoting the greenback well below the ceiling. SEE MORE It is time for the central bank to loosen its control over gold imports as a shortage of gold material in the domestic market has led to adverse consequences, the Viet Nam Gold Trading Association (VGTA) said. SEE MORE