Viet Nam could run up a US$4 billion trade deficit for the whole year after three consecutive years of a trade surplus, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) said. SEE MORE Potash and phosphate are both used to produce fertilizers, which are becoming increasingly important as demand for food grows. SEE MORE Vietnam’s economy has weathered the recent turbulence in the external environment fairly well, with growth expected to come in at 6.5 percent this year, the World Bank said Wednesday. SEE MORE Asia is poised to ignite a decade of global trade growth and will be the starting point for a quadrupling of worldwide exports to an estimated $68.5 trillion by 2050, according to a forecast by HSBC. SEE MORE Of all the sticky subjects wrapped up in global warming and international talks about curbing climate change, perhaps agriculture is one of the stickiest. After all, agriculture is a hefty contributor to global greenhouse-gas emissions, but it’s also what feeds us all. SEE MORE