Vietnam lacks forecasts about deflation and the scenarios to deal with it if it occurs. International institutions have warned that the country may face deflation as the Consumer Price Index has increased very slowly in recent months. SEE MORE Vietnam’s admission to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement will not negatively affect Vietnam - China trade relations. If Vietnam can improve its competitiveness, the trade relations between Vietnam and China will be more balanced. SEE MORE HANOI – The Government has estimated the consumer price index (CPI) would rise by 1.5-2.5% this year, much lower than the projected 5%. SEE MORE The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has made several moves over the past weeks to curb dollar hoarding, but experts warn that those short-term measures will only have limited effects on shoring up confidence in the dong. SEE MORE Lower oil prices were roundly celebrated as a tailwind for global growth. SEE MORE