Italy-based chemicals and plastics firm Mossi & Ghisolfi Group
(M&G) made history April 12 when the company broke ground for its 13
MMgy cellulosic ethanol facility in Crescentino in northwestern Italy.
The project is the largest cellulosic ethanol project in the world to
date, 10 times larger than any of the currently operating
demonstration-scale facilities. The plant is expected to become
operational in 2012 and will use a variety of locally sourced
feedstocks, beginning with wheat straw and Arundo donax, a perennial
giant cane. SEE MORE American PVC offers have been emerging at noticeably higher levels in
many global markets including Turkey, Egypt, Italy and China, tracking a
similar trend as March, as per Chemorbis. In a weekly comparison,
prices for American PVC to Turkey are US$65-95/ton higher. SEE MORE VietNamNet
Bridge – Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries’ (Vinacomin) proposal to
raise coal prices by 20-40 percent beginning on April 1 was unexpectedly
approved by the Ministry of Finance.SEE MORE Ceresana Research has scrutinized the European plastic pipe market from
top to bottom: we expect revenues will rise to €9.7 billion by 2018. In
Western Europe, about 45-50% of all plastic pipes are needed for sewage
disposal. In Eastern Europe SEE MORE Japan’s ethylene production rose 0.1% in March 2011 vs March 2010,
although some plants were shut after the March 11 earthquake, as per
government data on Reuters. Ethylene output totalled 514,800 tons last
month compared with 514,100 tons a year ago SEE MORE