Westlake Chemical Corporation has announced an expansion program to
include increasing the ethane-based ethylene capacity at Lake Charles,
LA, and the evaluation of expansion options and the upgrade of ethylene
production facilities at Calvert City, KY in a bid to capitalize on new
low cost ethane and other "light" feedstocks being developed in North
America. SEE MORE HA NOI — Export statistics for the first quarter of this year indicated
an increase in export value, but enterprises had to cope with a number
of difficulties, heard a conference yesterday organised by the Ministry
of Industry and Trade. One of the problems raised among economic experts
and exporters was the high interest rate, and trade promotion
activities to boost exports were also discussed. SEE MORE Vinacomin started raising coal prices for products delivered to
domestic cement, paper and fertiliser producers from 20 to 40 per cent,
the group announced yesterday. SEE MORE PRAGUE (ICIS)--Czech producer Unipetrol is set
to record a strong petrochemical performance for the first quarter after
margins returned to growth, investment bank Wood & Company said on
Tuesday. SEE MORE NEW DELHI (Commodity Online) : With the change in
duty-structure, India’s domestic tyre manufacturers will find it less
draining on their resources when it comes to importing natural rubber. SEE MORE