HA NOI — In the first nine months of the year, the
Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) licensed roughly 90 overseas investment
projects totalling more than US$637 million and gave permission for 25
existing projects to raise their capital by $92 million, according to
FIA statistics. SEE MORE Vietnam and South Africa should promote economic cooperation in trade
and investment, raising two-way trade to impressive figures in the
future. SEE MORE THAILAND — Co-operation between Viet Nam and
Thailand had significantly developed in the past years, particularly in
trade and investment, said Nguyen Thanh Bien, deputy minister of
Industry and Trade. SEE MORE WASHINGTON — World Bank (WB) president Robert Zoellick said Viet Nam was
using capital lent to the country effectively and that the bank would
continue to support the country's development. SEE MORE Vietnam and Kuwait need discussions among relevant agencies to
boost bilateral ties in trade, economics, investment, culture, training
and labour relations, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. SEE MORE