May 6, 2011,6 /5, in Lien Chieu Industrial Zone,in Da Nang city,DaNang Rubber Joint Stock Company has started construction Radial truck tirefactorycapacity600,000tireperyear.
This is the biggest project in manufacturing car tiresinVietnamto meet demandconsumptionradial truck tireof domesticmarketand foreign partners.
Factory produceRadial truck tires include mixed refineworkshop,main workshopandancillary works are built on 10.2ha inLien Chieu industrial zone.
Projects with total investment capital 3,000billionVND, ofwhich sources of equity accounting for 30%, the rest are commercial loans.
With advanced production lines in the world today, each yearthe plant produce600,000tires that features superior abrasion resistance,to withstand weightsuitable terrain conditions used in Vietnam andexport.
The project is divided into two construction phases.According to quarter 1 / 2013 to completethe firstphase capacity of300,000 tires per year andreach100% design capacityin2015.
Factoryoperation will create jobs for 1,000 local workers,topay budgetstateof 200 billionVND.
The project will increase the value of rubber industry,to exploitthemost use of rubber materials inthe domestic,reducing the export of raw materials. /.