Natural beauty products move into mainstream

10:50 AM @ Friday - 09 April, 2010

Research from the US shows how natural beauty is becoming less of a premium concern and moving into the mainstream of cosmetics. Kline & Company, a global research and consulting firm, has released its latest study of the impact of the recession on the cosmetics market in the US.

This reveals that natural beauty products are finding their place in the mainstream, as manufacturers try to cut down on their usage of synthetic ingredients.

"Natural products are no longer solely in the premium market as they continue to proliferate through the mainstream channels - including mass market and direct sales," the firm observes.

While the research indicates that some products are only part-natural, with some synthetic ingredients still used, the same is not true in the European market.

Recent research from Kline & Company highlighted the developing international standards in Europe which are leading many companies to develop 100 per cent natural cosmetics.ADNFCR-2539-ID-19712599-ADNFCR
