Pinaco isamong two hundred top enterprises receiving SaoVang Dat Viet (Viet Nam Golden Star) at aceremony on September 2 (the National Day) in Hoa Binh Theater in Ho Chi MinhCity .
"/>Pinaco isamong two hundred top enterprises receiving SaoVang Dat Viet (Viet Nam Golden Star) at aceremony on September 2 (the National Day) in Hoa Binh Theater in Ho Chi MinhCity .
"/>Pinaco isamong two hundred top enterprises receiving SaoVang Dat Viet (Viet Nam Golden Star) at aceremony on September 2 (the National Day) in Hoa Binh Theater in Ho Chi MinhCity .
Since itsinception in 2002, the annual Viet Nam Golden Star awards have sought toencourage and honor young businesses and famous trademarks for theircontribution to Viet Nam's continuing integration into the world economy.
Enterpriseswere given certificates of merit and gifts by Party leaders. Attending theceremony were Truong Vinh Trong – Member of the Politburo and Deputy PrimeMinister, Ho Duc Viet, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Head of theCommunist Party of Vietnam CentralCommittee’s Organization Commission and To Huy Rua, Member of Political Bureau,Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of Central Propaganda andEducation Department.
Basing on short list selection and inspection at companiesin the lists, the Examiner Board chose 200 trade marks from 53 provinces andcities to award Viet Nam Golden Star.
Those receiving VietNam Golden Star 2010 are said to have stable growth rate and be excellentcompanies in their field. Total turnover, budget contribution, profit after taxof these 200 companies are over 475,000 billion VND, 43,900 billion VNDand more than 48,000 billion VND respectively.