Prime Minister award Certificates for individuals and collectives of Vinachem

10:35 AM @ Friday - 17 September, 2010

According to Award and EmulationBoard of Vinachem, on Aug 27th 2010, Prime Minister signed DecisionNo 1597/QD – TTg and Decision No 1598/QD – TTg on awarding Cerficates for 7collectives and 21 individuals of Vinachem for their excellent achievementsduring 2005-2009 and 2007-2009, contributing to the Socialism construction andthe Fatherland defence cause.

Collectives and invidualsreceived Prime Minister’s Cerftificates are listed below:


1. Fertilizer Plant, CFC;

2. Market Department, HANICHEMCO;

3. Automatics and Power Measurement Department, HANICHEMCO;

4. Power Workshop, HANICHEMCO;

5. Repairing Workshop, HANICHEMCO;

6. Quality Assurance and Control Department, LAFCHEMCO;

7. Accounting and Financing Department, LAFCHEMCO.


1. Mr. Hoa Quang Nam,Director of TIBACO;

2. Mr. Trinh Anh Tuan, Chairman cum President of SOVIGAZ;

3. Mr. Bui Trung Thanh, Chairman of Party Activities – Examining Committee,HANICHEMCO;

4. Mr. Bui Van Vinh, Head of Construction and Investment Department ofHANICHEMCO;

5. Mr. Do Minh Son, Deputy President of HANICHEMCO;

6. Ms. Pham Ngoc Ly, Engineer of Quality Assurance and Control Department ofHANICHEMCO;

7. Mr. Pham Van Ngu, Head of Production Control Department of HANICHEMCO;

8. Mr. Phung Van Tuyen, Vice Chairman of Trade Union of of HANICHEMCO;

9. Mr. Tran Van Hai, Head of NH3 Production Worshop of HANICHEMCO;

10. Mr. Nguyen Van Xuan, Head of NH3 Production Worshop of HANICHEMCO;

11. Mr. Hoang Van The, Head of Gas Worshop of HANICHEMCO;

12. Mr. Doan Duc Vinh, Worker of Urea Worshop of HANICHEMCO;

13. Mr. Do Trong Thuy, Head of Superphosphate Plant No 1 of LAFCHEMCO;

14. Ms. Vu Thi Nguyet, Head of Quality Assurance and Control Department ofLAFCHEMCO;

15. Mr. Pham Quang Tuyen, Deputy President of of LAFCHEMCO;

16. Mr. Nguyen Van Lap, Legislation official of of LAFCHEMCO;

17. Mr. Pham Huu Phuc, Head of Research Center of LAFCHEMCO;

18. Mr. Nguyen Han, Director of FMP Plant of LAFCHEMCO;

19. Mr. Le Quang Tuyen, Head of Power Plant of LAFCHEMCO;

20. Mr. Pham Van Trung, Head of Organisation and Administration Departmentof Ninh Binh PMU;

21. Mr. Hoang Van Thoan, Director of Chemical Service and Trade Center.

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