On 01/11/2014, Vietnam Chemical Industry Group organized a conference deployingtasks in 2014 to assess the results of task deployment in 2013 and plans for2014.

"/>On 01/11/2014, Vietnam Chemical Industry Group organized a conference deployingtasks in 2014 to assess the results of task deployment in 2013 and plans for2014.


The deploying tasks conference in 2014

09:53 AM @ Wednesday - 15 January, 2014

On 01/11/2014, Vietnam National Chemical Group organized a conference deployingtasks in 2014 to assess the results of task deployment in 2013 and plans for2014.

The conference had honored of a visit and direct from Deputy Prime MinisterMr. Hoang Trung Hai, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Cam Tu and Leadershiprepresentatives and Experts of the Party Central Office, President’s Office,Government’s Office, Central Committee of Emulation and Commendation, VietnamGeneral Confederation of Labour; representatives of departments of the Ministryalso attending.

About the Vietnam National Chemical Group (Vinachem): Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung ,Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Management; Mr. Nguyen DinhKhang, member of Board of Mangement, General Director; Mr. Ngo Manh Hoai, DeputyParty Committe Secretary, Deputy General Diretor; Mr. Vu Tien Dung, member of ExecutiveBoard of the Vietnam General Confederation Labour, President of Vinachem... andrepresentatives of the leadership functions departments and member units of theGroup attended.

In 2013, A difficult year forVietnam's economy and Vinachem inparticular . However, with the outstanding efforts of offical and employees ofthe Group, Vinachem very proud to have overcome these difficulties to finishthe tasks in production and business activities of this year.

The basic target of production business and revenue of the Group in 2013had reach the tarks plan, in which industrial production value reached 42,603billion VND, up 2.5 % compared with 2012. Revenue reached 44,102 billion VND,up 0.2 % compared with 2012. Paying State budget reached 2,543 billion VND, up13.9 % compared to 2012, Profit reached 2,730 billion VND. However, the importand export value has no higher than the previous year.

About production of major products, Vinachem hits target production plan offertilizer production equivalent to 2012, of which: superphosphate reached982.3 thousand tons, by 97.3 % compared to 2012; FMP reached 565 thousand tons,by 108.4 % compared with 2012; urea fertilizer on 498.5 thousand tons, increasing56.1 % compared to 2012, DAP fertilizer reaching 225 thousand tons, by 78 , 9 %compared with 2012 and NPK fertilizer reached nearly 1.9 million tons, by 96.6% compared with in 2012. In addition, the total of the plant protection productsouput reached 17.1 thousand tons, by 98.4 % compared with 2012. Manufacturingdetergents and chemical products output , industrial gases increased comparedwith 2012.

In 2013, the Group promoting production business activities and deployed investingconstruction with total capital 8,045billion VND, reached 98 % the plan and up 29 % compared to the year in2012.

Based on the results of 2013, Conference passed the deploying directiontask in 2014 with the objectives following: industrial production value tostrive reach 48,091 billionVND, up 12.5 % ; revenue striving reached 49,912billion VND, up 13.7 %, profit striving not lower than in 2013 and wageincreases 5 % compared with 2013.

At the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Hoang Trung Hai has madecomments about operations of the Group in the past year; and also the Deputy PrimeMinister has made the direction tasks to Group in the future.

On this occasion, recognition of the achievements of a number of units in the production business, representative ofCouncil Emulation Central award Labor Medal to individuals who have madeoutstanding achievement in the work from 2008 to 2012, contributing to the careerin building socialism and defending our country; and also awarded theCertificate of Merit, the Emulation Flag of Government and Ministry of Industryand Vietnam National Chemicals Group forthe collectives and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in theirwork and production business activities.

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