Vinachem to hold Construction-Investment Training Course 2010

01:58 PM @ Wednesday - 09 June, 2010

Vietnam National Chemical Group (Vinachem) holds Construction-Investment Training Course 2010 on June 16-17th 2010 in Do Son, Hai Phong City.

Participants are Directors, Heads of Divisions and officials being responsible for construction-investment works at its companies, Directors of Project Management Units, representatives of State - owned capital at joint stock companies.

Contents of this training course:

1. Instructions for the implementation of Bid Invitation Law and choosing of construction contractors in accordance with Construction Law and Decree 85/2009/ND-CP;

2. New contents in the management of construction-investment costs in accordance with Decree 112/2009/ND-CP;

3. Construction-investment contracts in accordance with Decree 48/2010/ND-CP;

4. Construction supervising and evaluating in accordance with Decree 113/2009/ND-CP.

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